#British #Interviews Sir Nicholas Soames interview: ‘It’s not as easy as it bloody well looks’ September 13, 2018October 10, 2021 By thewitnesspoliticsjournal By Will Parker
#Interviews #World Dr As’ad Ghanem on the Plight of the Palestinian Minority in Israel February 21, 2018February 6, 2020 By thewitnesspoliticsjournal By Molly Williams-Leer
#British #Interviews Matthew Parris interview: ‘Nothing could be a bigger catastrophe than Brexit’ December 23, 2017February 6, 2020 By thewitnesspoliticsjournal By Will Parker
#British #Interviews Jacob Rees-Mogg interview: ‘The fear of no deal is one of those periodic spasms of fear…’ December 21, 2017February 6, 2020 By thewitnesspoliticsjournal By Will Parker
#British #Interviews Ben Bradshaw interview: ‘The Labour Party will always be informed and motivated by our sense of social justice’ December 19, 2017February 6, 2020 By thewitnesspoliticsjournal By Becca McAuley